Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

1.CSR Policy
Leasepoint Vehicle Management Limited acknowledges that in the operations of our business in delivering high quality product and service levels that we may have an impact on the environment, our customers, suppliers, employees and contractors as well as within the community in which we operate.

We are committed to taking responsibility for our actions and encourage a positive contribution towards improving standards for our clients and employees, minimising our impact on the environment and improving the quality of the communities in which we operate.

By putting CSR into practice, we are committed, wherever possible, to;
• Conducting ourselves responsibly and in an ethical manner
• Creating a positive and supportive working environment
• Supporting local communities, charities, RRT and One School Global.
• Improving service levels to clients
• Acting fairly in our dealings with suppliers and other third parties
• Minimising the impact on the environment
• Protecting data under GDPR provisions

2. Our CSR Principles

2.1 Our Conduct
We aim to adopt the highest professional standards and not act in such a way as to compromise our firm’s integrity.
We actively promote respect between our staff members in their dealings with each other and with customers and other third parties.

2.2 Our working environment
We recognise that our staff are our most important resource. We actively seek to offer our
staff a positive and healthy working environment and ensure that they have rewarding
careers and job satisfaction.

2.3 Staff/People
We are committed to the well-being and continual development of our people and to training our workforce, where employees are appreciated, valued and given regular feedback so that each employee has a clear understanding of their role and how they contribute to the business.

We have an open-door policy where staff can speak directly to the management team.

We expect our employees to act with integrity towards one another and exercise a high standard of business practice and workmanship.
We have a steering wheel committee whereby staff can give feedback, ideas and suggestions to the management team.
We support diversity, fairness and equal opportunities and aim to involve and consult regularly with employees.

2.4 Customers
We are committed to delivering a high level of service to all our customers. We understand that our business exists in a very competitive market and in order to retain our clients we need to deliver a professional and courteous service.

We aim to build long term relationships with all our customers and other stakeholders by understanding their objectives as they evolve over time and meeting their needs.

We aim to give fair value, consistent quality and reliability.

We protect our customers data and adhere to GDPR requirements when handling personal data. Our policies include Data Protection and Data Security along with other technical and organisational measures.

We aim to have the highest professional and ethical standards and will be honest, open and transparent in all our dealings with customers.

2.5 Suppliers
We endeavour to enter into clear and fair contracts with our suppliers. We commit to the timely settlement of our suppliers invoices.

We treat suppliers fairly and adhere to Competition Law, Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Bribery Policies.

2.6 Health & Safety
We aim to achieve and maintain the highest standards of health and safety and provide a safe and healthy working environment for all our activities.

We have a current health and safety policy that is regularly reviewed and updated and work with Citation to ensure our premises are safe for all.

2.7 Environment

We are committed to behaving responsibly and to minimising our impact on the environment. We aim to minimise our impact on the environment by:
• Minimising waste and adopting sensible recycling policies in respect of our paper and
food consumption
• Providing safe and comfortable working conditions
• Encouraging staff to walk or cycle to work, we have a cycle to work scheme
• Ensuring that electrical equipment and lights are off when not in use and have LED lighting wherever possible.
• Ensuring that heating is turned off or down outside office hours
• We create our own sustainable energy wherever possible by means of solar panels
• We promote the use of hybrid and electric vehicles under our company car scheme
• We offer car charging points
• We recycle waste electrical and electronic equipment

2.8 The Community
In considering our impact on the community we have resolved to sponsor or otherwise support local, national and worldwide charities. These include but are not exclusive to RRT and One School Global.